
I had a trip through to Glasgow today to see the "Inventors of Tradition" Exhibition that daughter#4 and her business partner have launched under the "Panel" business they started up last year.

It's a subjective study of the history of the Scottish textile industry since the 1930's with exhibits and a looped film showing a selection of professional and amateur documentary films from the Scottish Screen Archive at the National Library of Scotland.
It was a major operation to organise and it has been widely recognised as such in the press.

I left Edinburgh with another grey soulless day and was cheered by increasing amount of light on the journey west.
There were chinks of blue in the sky and patches of sunlight on the tops of the hills to the north.
The steam from the Grangemouth chimneys hung like fat pillows in the sky, lazily moving westwards in an almost windless day.
Glasgow was bright and almost sunny and was looking it's very best. Too often when I go through I find it raining and vaguely depressing, but certainly not today.

I was delighted to have the opportunity to browse in the huge M&S in Argyle Street, and was amused by the fact that, in Edinburgh, the ladies clothes rails feature size 8 prominently at the front, while in Glasgow it was the size 14's that got the limelight. Hurrah I thought, victory for the more substantial lady!

My other observations were a) that you could just see a wind farm in the distance to the south from the top of Buchanan Street - quite rural- and b) 600 mg of ibuprofen have absolutely no effect on a painful foot.

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