The Dreaming Spires of Quartermile

This is a day of contrasting emotions for me.

On one hand ( and please excuse the pun) Glasgow daughter is in hospital as a day patient to have a haemangioma removed from the 4th finger of her left hand, and also one from a nether region.
Because she has a virus which has caused a sore throat and a blocked inner ear infection, I'm worried about her. These are not the first haemangiomas that she has had removed, so she knows what to expect and neither of us is looking forward to it.
Daughters 1, 4 and I, have certainly made good use of the NHS this last fortnight. Hats off to good old Aneurin Bevan.

On the other hand, Budapest Boy arrives this afternoon for a short stay. We see him so rarely that I always look forward to his visits because he can make me laugh (and cry) like no other. A late Burns Supper is lined up with the neeps prepared and mashed by my right arm man.

I had the excuse with a visit to our lawyer's in Quartermile this morning to blip the towers of the part of the old Royal Infirmary, still unreconstructed, in the early morning sun.
We were led to believe that this building was to be a bijou hotel at some point, but with the recession, that point may not be in the near future.

For three days now there has been a police presence in the Meadows- a police van parked on Middle Meadow walk and police officers walking round the paths.
Is there something I should know?
All info from Edinburgh blippers will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Edit; I have just heard that Glasgow daughter is minus two haemangiomas and is to get home shortly. To say I'm relieved is an understatement.

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