A Dog's Dinner

By G

New Year's Revolution...No. 9

Here's my rather fine uke tucked up in it's new posh hard case.. The New Year resolution is to learn a new tune a week. Never mind those resolutions about losing weight and taking more excercise they never happen - this year it's a realistic target. Although that would be 52 new songs over the year.... I'll have to rethink this.

Anyway two great surprises over the last week or so, firstly the case, which was a Chrissie pressie from my mum in law and secondly Mr Howlin' Hobbit sent me the chords for the Teddy Bears Picnic so I can learn it in time for Bella's first birthday. How nice was that?

I think that's my resolution's gone before it started. OK I'll learn at least one song this year.

....and just in case I havn't bored you enough with the joys of ukulele playing let me leave you with a quote from the Sacred Text regarding the uke.

In the Insane Krusty episode of The Simpsons first broadcast on12 Nov 2000, we find..
Sophie: Hey hey, Dad!
Krusty: Hey hey! Now, look, Sophie, I know you think your daddy's perfect.......
Sophie: No, I don't.
Krusty: ....... but I did a bad thing. I lost your violin in a poker game.
Sophie: You WHAT?
Krusty: But don't worry, I got you an even better one! (gives instrument to Sophie)
Sophie: This is a UKULELE!
Krusty: Yeah, the thinking man's violin. Check it out. (Grabs uke, plays and sings) I wanna go back to my little grass shack in Ke-al-ake-kua, Hawaii.
Sophie: I want my violin.
Krusty: But, honey, I, I...
Sophie: I can't believe you would gamble with something that meant so much to me.
Krusty: Wait. Time out. Four aces is not a gamble.
Sophie: Mom was right. I was better off not knowing you.

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