A Dog's Dinner

By G

Perfect Picnic

I've been full of the cold this New Year, but never daunted we took at leaf out of our Kiwi Chums book and set off today for a start of the year picnic and barby..and what a smashing day it was.

We started in the rain but the day just got better and better. Miss Petunia did a magnificent styling job - well you can't have a picnic if it doesn't look the part. Right? So today we were in tones of aquamarine which set of the russet of the mountains and the blue grey of the sea wonderfully.

Mr Blogs had a roaring fire up and going in no time at all and Bella discovered the delights of paddling.

Fantastic - bring on another year.........and the best to all the Blipping Chums no matter where or when.

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