
By shy

Black Swan

So, Black Swan..

..what the FUCK was that all about?

I saw it last night and left it feeling rather confused after having been bombarded by a frenetic psychological assualt, not knowing what was reality and what was hallucination. It was a visceral version of the Red Shoes with blood and naughty bits. I must be getting senile but I didn't have a clue what was going on. All I knew was that Natalie Portman was far too thin!
Anyway, I think I enjoyed it - I certainly wasn't bored.

Afterwards we tended to perambulate around the house on our points flapping our arms... and scratching a lot.

If you haven't seen it yet, there is no danger of me giving the plot away as I've no idea what the plot was.

So, we've seen the Kings Speech, Social Network and Black Swan. I suppose I've got to see True Grit and Inception next so that I know what they're talking about at the Oscars.

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