Little Kingdom

By icemaiden

Row Row Row Your Boat...

H's Daddy took her to Granny's for the day to give me some "me time". However, "me time" consisted of doing some housework, doing the food shopping, and running errands all day. I think I fitted in half an hour of watching football, before feeling guilty that he would rather be watching football than visiting, so I abandoned it and got on with my chores.

H is loaded with the cold again, and was up until 12.30am Sunday morning as she couldn't get to sleep because of her cough. Eventually, she was sick all over me! She did manage to have some fun in the bath earlier in the evening though as we were doing Row Row Row Your Boat and she was getting right into it, pulling me back and forth. She usually has a bath herself, but she was a bit upset (hopefully just due to being ill) and was screaming and refusing to get in. It was fun to join in anyway.

Shame we both needed another bath/shower after her sickness!

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