Lali's World

By Lali

In black and white 6

Today I took a picture of this restaurant because i liked the old feel it has with all those old photos on the windows. I thought it would suit my black and white theme.

This used to be the old Rutherford's Bar, Robert Louis Stevenson's favourite drinking place. Now it has been converted into a pirate theme restaurant as a homage to this famous Scots writer's most renowned novel "Treasure Island".
I think I'd like to have a look inside one day!

I have a busy day today. Lots of things to do, but feeling lazy because it's my day off today. Found a home for my old bed and now facing lots of furniture shifting, as I used to have a bunk bed, which left lots of bedroom space underneath. Now I've lost that space and furniture needs to be relocated.

I was supposed to attend a birthday party this evening, but there has been a change of plan (the usual unpredictablity of my life!). The birthday party I'm making the cake for is happening now on Monday (I'll blip a picture of the cake, by the way), so instead this evening I'm seeing a friend who I haven't seen for ages because he's now living in Ireland. Some of his friends will be there as well. Should be good.

Now off for a wee siesta. I think I need it!

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