Heavy Plant Crossing.....

.......inspired by the most spectacular images of this famous blipper; this gentleman was transporting his purchases from Lidl along Granton Crescent today.

Up early to assist with the transport of our Scouting equipment (including an ancient Scout trek cart of Mafeking vintage) from temporary storage in Newbridge to a permanent store in Granton. Phew.

It's the annual Scout Leaders (and former Scouter Leaders) piss-up tonight. We'll gather in Thomson's Bar, identify each other with left hand shakes, trek into town identifying trees, tasting fox poo, sniffing footprints for freshness, and then round off the evening with some jolly songs about ginging our gang of goolies whilst drinking lashings of ginger beer.....or something.

Edit: A wee word of congratulations to my younger blister on popping out a 10lb 3oz bouncing bundle of joy this afternoon; Finlay Sinclair. Nice one Weez.

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