It just sort of clicked.

By shaunm

Hanging out with Rocky

This follows on from my other blip where Ginger was highly strung!

Not a lot to report today... spent a couple of hours 'hanging on' on the phone to BT - internet is still intermittent and I kept getting told different things by different people (have sopken to about 5 different people now, who all have asked me the same questions).
One tried to say it was my fault for restarting the router every few days (because the darn thing keeps throwing a fit)... another said actually it's ok to restart it, but not reset it. When I asked why I wasn't told that before by the other three people I just get an explanation of why it shouldn't be reset and that thats what they advise all customers.
After answering more questions about where abouts in the socket I plugged the cable (umm?!) and was it the black hub (no it's the original old white one, and can I please have a new one)... can't send me a new one as it's not showing up as faulty... then I get told its not compatible with the upgrade we had almost a year ago, so I need to ask for a new one. I then phoned the number they gave me only to speak to a person in the same office (in india I think) who said he could transfer me to the place I needed, except he wouldn't and I had to go through the same sets of questions... then do a line test and he umms and ahhs for a bit and says "yes, there is a speed problem with this line"... no kidding.


Thanks for looking! oh and if you read the above rant, thanks, I feel better now :)

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