It just sort of clicked.

By shaunm


My new camera bag and tripod arrived today! Is it just me or is it always a battle putting in those "customisable" Velcro bits? It's not completely customisable either as they are set lengths and apart from a few minor tweaks to fit lens/kit sizes it has to follow pretty much the original layout.
Anyways, it's great as I can put it on my back instead of over one shoulder and as I seem to be doing more hiking up big hills these days it'll make things so much easier. It's got a quick access thing on the side so you can very quickly pull your camera out. It'll just take me a little while to get used to the new layout and a new way of doing things... my old bag isn't going to be abandoned though, I think they have their different uses.

New tripod is the business too, the head is bigger than I imagined, but... it doesn't droop! yay! no more wonky panoramas! you can also do some cool stuff with the centre thingy (ooh I'm getting technical now! ;) ) so you may see some blips from some interesting angles at some point!

So... my afternoon went something like this:

Tripod arrived and I assembled it, realised there was a lovely sunset and that I had a perfect idea for a blip..

Ran out the door with tripod, my camera in my new bag and with everything you might need...

Even though it's only 5 minutes away, I arrived about 20 minutes after the sun had gone behind Mt Edgecombe... there went that blip...

oh well I thought, I'll wander up to the Hoe again and get a picture of the moon rising behind the lighthouse...

took some shots on the way and thought that the light was disappearing fast, at which point I noticed I had left my polarising filter on...

It then dawned on me that the moon wasn't rising at the same time as it was yesterday (duh!)...

Reached for my phone to check when it would be appearing only to find that in my haste I had left it at home! along with my case for my filter... so much for having everything I might need!

Not the best outing! so heres my unintended blip, with light disappearing fast, helped by my polarising filter. The silhouette in the foreground is a simple model of the HMS Cornwall... in the background is the real HMS Balwark.

Thanks for looking!

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