
By Appreciation

The Eye of the Beholder

All week I have been keen to go to the allotment. I think just because we can see the soil again I have a need to get my hands into it. I wanted to go yesterday but it was too cold and the ground is frozen stiff. I had hoped for better today! Ha, when I left this morning the ground was white with frost. There was no chance of any digging but I went up anyway, together with the pre-requisite flask of hot chocolate.

I managed to fix the netting which the snow had destroyed. I have fanciful notions that this will stop the birds, the rats, the mice, the rabbits, the foxes from eating what is left of the brocolli, cabbage, brussel sprouts and kale.

Its such a lovely relaxing place. Plenty of birdsong, great views over the local pond and hills and a shed. I know why sheds are great places of refuge to so many. Today, after my net fixing badge, I sat in the shed surveying my land, slurping my hot chocolate. I could smell the muskiness of the foxes and the rawness of the rats. Last time my allotment partner put kitchen waste into the compost she threw back the carpet and a rat sat up and looked at her before scarpering. She one way, the rat the other!

I also tried out my aperture dial and managed to capture the lovely bright blue sky. This sunflower has done its job well. In the summer it cheered us with its granduer and vibrance. In the autumn and winter it fed the birds, Now as it bows its head, I can still see the casings which held the seeds and fed so many. It has no reason to feel sad, I can see its beauty.

It also looks like an cross curly haired teacher wagging a finger at a small child!

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