Quiet Sunday Morning

It's a quiet Sunday Morning.

I don't have much scheduled for today. I should be working on my New Year's resolutions. 2008 is my year to succeed is some things that have been putting off for too long. So, I should get to it!

Let's see, what to do first. Well I have accomplished some computer and server work. I was able to upgrade PHP on a recent server rebuild and install the appropriate graphics library items to handle some digital photo file work. Now I should organize some photo gear.... ah, you see I am putting off the more difficult task of.... cleaning the garage.... Argh!

I know, I'll hit the treadmill! That will be easier than cleaning the garage! And that's on my New Year's resolution list!

Oh, btw, I stopped out to Rabbit Creek again today on the way to get coffee.

Well, it's back to work tomorrow, hope everyone had a great weekend, and don't forget those New Year's resolutions!



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