In Brief, for once...

By JaxI

Feed the Birds......

This old guy has started coming along in the mornings and emptying the contents of a loaf of bread into this frenzy of pigeons.
He never speaks nor smiles, but you get a sense that this is his moment of contact with living things for the day. It makes me a little sad.
Sadder yet the sense I get from him that if I spoke to him, and tried to be pleasant, that would freak him out totally and make his morning worse. He's quite happy with his birds.
The birds behaviour is interesting. A few cheeky sparrows are tolerated in the melee. Perhaps they are local sparrows. Perhaps they are small enough not to pose a threat. But the lone crow, big enough to have any one of the pigeons, hangs back agitatedly, longing for a bite of bread, and is given no quarter by the group. And doesn't force the issue.
Outsiders be damned. Just like some bigger life forms I know.

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