
By Nigel

Sixty Seconds

Stuck for a picture I was reminded about lightpainting by an article on Lifehacker and instantly remembered I now he 60 seconds f shutter speed rather than the limitation of 15 seconds on the previous camera. Not enuogh time to try and make a movie of course and it was too close to midnight to plan anything cohesive bu the length of shutter and being able to stop down to f/22 will make it easier in future, previous camera only did 15 seconds and f/8.

Hideous day at work, anything that could go wrong did and some of it was down to other people making database changes that they did not communicate, but by 5:30 I was just about n a postion to start what I had planned to do at 9:30, grrr!

To compensate Jen made a very nice Japanese style soup with vegetable and fish for dinner , though I'll just have to tidy up after her tomorrow night when I come in :(

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