Red, Green, and Blue

By GemmoMC

New Beginnings

My little taro plant is growing a new leaf. There were two leaves. One died. And now a new one is sprung.

This blip is my first blip for 2011. So much has happened since the break I took from blipping. I'd like to share what has happened in the latter half of 2010. Hopefully, I can back-blip some photos I took in the next few weeks.

Anyway, for the new year I had written down some resolutions. I usually don't do them, but I figure having some written down would help me get into some kind of track.

This is what I came up with:
1) Limit C2H5OH intake
2) Cut spending & Save
3) Eat Better
4) Have a more positive outlook on life
5) Get back into photography

Wish me luck.

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