Just one more...

14 months 26 days

.... song with Scout. As we were walking to the door to go out this morning, Katie turned round, ran back into the lounge and grabbed Scout (who was in his 'bed' - the box, she keeps retrieving it from the recycling pile) and had one more play, before toddling back to the door.

We headed for the library, Katie walking along grinning. On the way, bumped into friends who were also headed there. Katie and Kiki sat and listened to a whole pile of stories with me, whilst Kiki's mummy worked. We picked some books for Katie. All the ones she took a fancy to were animal ones, so we have a pile of different touchy feely farm/zoo/thats not my books

We got home and within minutes Katie was in her cot asleep, having yawned most of the way home (but still walked it). When she woke up, we headed to the Children's Centre to get her weighed. She's finally hit the 19lb mark! It was nice there as I could just get her weighed, talk or not the health visitor as I wished, and just get on with it without being wittered at. But even nicer, it was in the room with the sensory play and the nursery nurse said that we could stay and play a while as Katie was clearly desperate to.

We met a friend for coffee and did some shopping (including a couple of yummy bargains for mummy this evening, Thorntons sale, mmmm). Whilst we were out, Katie taught me her 'Stop-Go' game. We walk along, she shouts 'stop', throws her hands in the air and stops, waits until I have, says 'go' and carries on. Lather, rinse, repeat. Many times.

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