Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Wednesday: Keith's

Up to Liverpool for a few days.  I think I must have travelled up with the same 'train manager' before, as he cracked exactly the same jokes as he did on a previous journey.  Either that, or the train company have a standard joke policy.

K. and I went out for a few in the evening, heading down to Lark Lane.  Ended up in 'Keith's', which is pretty iconic in Liverpool terms and has been there since, at least, the 1960s (if not longer).  

We also took a stroll round some of the side streets and thorougly depressed overselves over what type of house we could afford if we lived in Liverpool, instead of in London.  To illustrate my point:

Two pints of beer in London:     £6.30
Two pints of beer in Liverpool:   £2.98

(Mind you, we have also paid over £5 in Liverpool, but I won't tell you that, as it doesn't support my story).

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