All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Ok I know this is a terrible photo but in my defence it was taken quickly through a glass door to try to catch Ethan in the act of "boing-ing" the door stopper!

After he managed a 12 hour sleep last night (although of course as always on the odd occasion he manages that, I had a rubbish nights sleep myself), we headed into Edinburgh today to visit Aunty Foreveryoung. We haven't seen her for what seems like ages (probably only a few week really) so was lovely to see her and her ever expanding bump. She is now 1 day past in her pregnany than I was when I had Ethan so I think it has really hit home with her that she doesn't have too long to go now till her baby arrives.

Ethan had great fun crawling round her flat to explore and even seemed to enjoy our wee trip to Ocean Terminal (he was probably just relieved he wasn't being pushed around The Centre for a change)! We stayed for dinner and Ethan got bathed there before back home for his milk and off to bed.

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