All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Lovely lips!

Today started with another early wake up from Ethan - 5.30am. He just doesn't seem to understand that I don't "do" getting up at anything starting with 5am, lol! So we had the usual cuddles through in my bed, bit of playtime and milk before he went back to sleep for another hour. We eventually surfaced at 9am - now that's more like it!

Mrs42 and Baby42 came round for their lunch. I'm always really impressed when I see how well Baby42 handles her spoon - the baby led weaning has obviously worked really well for her! Ethan has a great appetite but isn't usually too interested yet in trying to hold the sppon himself.

After lunch, the 4 of us drove to St Johns to pop in to the breastfeeding clinic. Both Mrs42 and I attended it a lot last year for help wtih various issues (although we never went at the same time) so we thought we'd take the babies in today to see the staff there and to say hello. Even though they were qutie busy with the mums there, it was lovely to see them and have a short blether. There was even a mum there who was having a similar issue to one of the problems I encountered with feeding Ethan, so they asked me if I could talk to her to give her any hints! Not sure I helped much, but was nice to be asked.

Ethan was knackered by the time we left just after 3pm as he hadn't had a nap all day. He fell asleep in the car on the way home and carried on sleeping when I transferred him to the pushchair and wheeled him in the house. He only woke up an hour later because the phone rang but for some reason he was really upset. For the next half hour he screamed inconsolably. Not even lots of cuddles would soothe him. He was clawing at his mouth and coughing lots too so I dosed him up with calpol and cough mixture and 10 minutes later he was as happy as can be. He even wolfed down tons of dinner which was a relief!

(I've called todays blip "lovely lips" because that's what Mrs42 always calls Ethan)!

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