We are Bound by All the Rest....
The aftermath of a lovely meal.
I was meeting up with a friend for supper tonight; I can't actually remember when we last were sitting opposite each other - although we do talk virtually quite a lot.
I first met her when I started work at my last job.
I wasn't initially keen - first impressions and all that.... But this femme soon changed my opinion!
This is someone who cares passionately about those close to her.
This is someone who gives 100% to anything she is involved in.
This is someone who can tell a truth, no matter how awful, berate someone for rudeness, impudence, or sheer downright badness, and they will apologise immediately, and instantly want to please her.
This is someone, who is generous to a fault.
This is someone who you would want on your side in a fight - with her composure, pose, and eloquence you are going to win without a blow being struck!
This is someone I had the joy of seeing fall madly in love, and watch as she blossomed as the two of them grew together.
This is someone I shared tears with, bitching and many giggles.
This is someone, who, if I were her mother, would be so proud of the job I had done!
Thank you for a lovely supper sweetie pie!
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