Today..... It's Just A Dream Away......

When I worked, way back before I went to Uni, I wanted to take photos. I bought a very flash and lovely Olympus Camera, with a wide eye lens, a telephoto lens, and something else which I can't remember.

I tried to take arty photos, and each time I took the spool (remember them), back to the shop, I came out disappointed.

They were blurry. They were double exposed. They were rubbish.

I could do better with the wee instant cameras we had back then.

I took it back to the shop and told them it was broken. The man looked at it, unscrewed the lens, looked through it, clicked it; his verdict - I just couldn't take photos.

When I became so disillusioned after the 10 th pack of photos turned out rubbish I took it to the shop to trade it in for a little instamatic. The man behind the counter told me that he couldn't give me a good price for it, because there was obviously something wrong with the shutter action which wasn't responding to changes in settings and button presses!

Same Shop. Same Man. Bastard.

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