Is it a bird? Is it a plane?
Ok ok. So it's not the best shot ever. But I am nonetheless quite happy with it. A prize of eternal smugness to anyone who can guess what it is.
I will try and take a better picture of 'it', though that will require some things I'm struggling with:
- a better lens (I know, a bad workman blames her tools, blah blah. But really.)
- lots of early mornings spent sitting quietly and unobtrusively in the garden (I mean: does that sound like my kind of thing?)
- did I mention the early morning part?
But I will try.
Aside from this (comparatively) early morning shot, the day has been a blur of jobs. We've a small termite problem in an outhouse that we have to have treated before we move - so we had termite man number 1 (actually number 2, but number 1 today) this morning who fooled me by speaking only French for the first 20 minutes, then when it came to talking cash, revealing his almost fluent English. Then some school, then a battle with our various tax filings. When did our tax affairs get so complicated? After much password guessing and detective work (necessitated by most of the relevant documents having been mistakenly left in Scotland) I managed to get all the details for filing on-line for most of our returns. Then termite man number 2 (3) whose flies were undone, though I'm not sure I'll let that affect whether we choose his quote or not.
Now to relax, with a large block of roquefort and a couple of episodes of Curb.
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