Mist again
The cold foggy mornings continue. Fought this morning with a very patronising lady from France Telecom. They are charging us for two phone and internet contracts, despite my very firm insistence before Christmas that they not do that, and the equally firm assurances from the lovely lady I spoke to then that all that nonsense would stop... My conversation would have been even more firm and probably less polite had I picked up the mail before then and had the bill just received for 110 euro in my hand... (I feel another firm conversation coming on when I can summon up the strength for it.)
Mist and phones aside, it was a day for contemplating our, as yet, empty bird table. Mr B claims to have seen the robin today, but all I've seen is a cat with a smug expression on its face, licking its paws. No gardening - too cold - just endlessly cleaning up dust and dirt in the house, being followed around by Mr B endlessly creating dust and dirt in the house. He claims the plasterboard will all be on the walls or at the tip by the end of the week. I know I should be more of a nag and make him take his work boots off before he tramples dust all through the kitchen - but at least his footprints are a handy way of finding him.
Very sociable school pick-up today, with lots of belated 'bonne annee' ing and arranging playdates. One mum, whose daughter is coming over on Sunday, was so over-the-top grateful that I wonder what I've let myself in for...
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