Lali's World

By Lali

Shop Window Curios 9

In the Barber's shop.

Yes, I found this miniature in the window of a Barber's shop. It's really tiny so it's quite easy to go past it without even noticing it.

This reminds me that I'll need to get over my haidresser's fear soon! This is no laughing matter, by the way, it's serious. I dread hairdressers! To the point that I haven't set foot in a Haidressing salon for about 25 years!!! No kidding!
If I see anyone approaching my hair with a pair of scissors, I run away. So, so far I've been trimming my hair myself. One day I'll manage!!!!

As for work, today it was an incredibly slow and quiet day. Seconds seemed hours. Appart from getting a bit of sudden conjunctivitis, everything else went fine today.

This evening I'll try and finish my whisky barrel cake, which you'll be able to see in tomorrow's blip. So, no translation work tonight.

Better go and have some dinner first!

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