
Up again at 3:00 in morning for our flight. My husband and I decided on a crazy plan late at night. I booked the boys and I using sky miles to get guaranteed flights back to Portland, Oregon. The standby flight we were going to take had a large amount of standby's on the list. I don't like taking chances when I'm traveling alone with the boys. It gets to be too much for them when we start going from airport to airport, city to city, state to state. So our plan was for us to fly to Portland, and my husband would drive the 4 hour trip North to pick us.

Waking the boys this time was far more difficult. My oldest just wouldn't open his eyes, so I turned my attention to the 3 year old. When I touched him, he was burning up. His eyes opened, and he said "I don't feel good mama" and then shut his eyes again. I managed to get him up and ready. Then I got the other one up finally too. They were dressed, fed a little and ready for a ride home.

As we were driving to the airport, my youngest said he didn't feel good again, and then came the drama. He is the worst vomiter (that can't be a word, but it works) I've ever known. He just doesn't know how to let it come. He holds it back. So it all came out his nose. He was horrified and in lots of pain I suppose to have all that running around in his sinuses. I was panicking in my head but tried to remain calm. We parked at the airport, and I changed his clothes. He was just so upset that this had happened. My father-in-law is the best and didn't even blink an eye to the fact that my little one had just thrown up all over everything in the back seat of his Cadillac.

I had no choice but to pack up all our things and carry my little guy into the airport. Once in, he immediately started feeling better. I think I had managed to get the Tylenol in him early enough that it started to process in his system before the 'event'. He was happy to walk on his own and seemed pretty chipper actually.

The boys slept through the entire flight, which I am grateful for. I managed to catch a much needed wink or two myself. We were SO happy to see my husband, though he was pretty tired himself. He had been back to the remodeling efforts while we were away and was frustrated he didn't get further in the project.

We managed to make it home by 5:30 p.m. just in time for him to head to work. I spent the evening putting all the couches and entertainment stuff back in the living room and then putting the boys to bed. When he got home, he told me that none of the standby's showed up for that flight that would have taken us all the way home. Such a gamble I tell yah, but we're just happy to be home.

Someone mentioned on my Facebook how nice it must be to be able to take all these vacations. To me vacation equals rest. My "vacations" are far from restful. In fact, I've caught a cold now and am home from work with a fever and sore throat.

This image was captured near Albany, Oregon I think. We had stopped for my oldest to use the bathroom. It was only 31 degrees (F), and my teeth were chattering. Everything was covered in a blanket of thick fog and frost. Brrrr.

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