
By Instography

The lights are on but nobody's home

Looking at it now I'm not sure why I was convinced that this office was completely empty of furniture apart from one chair. Maybe because it looked like the offices of Stocktrade and, still having a big internal bitch about bankers and the like, I fancied the idea that they'd gone bust. But I can see from their website that they're alive and speculating on pork bellies or short-selling something or whatever the hell it is they do on the floor above. Knowing that, it's become quite disappointing but less so than everything else.

Anyway, it plugs a gap. Must go and put Ewan to bed before I settle down with the type of film Mandy wouldn't like to watch (no, not that kind) while she's out seeing the King's Speech.

Other than that, all I have is a top tip for bread makers out there - pickle juice. You know the stuff - the juice that you get Kosher pickled cucumbers floating in. Instead of water, try half pickle juice and half water. The bread has a nice savoury flavour, more so if it's a sourdough (but not so much that you can't put jam on it) and, more importantly, it seems to keep for longer. There you go. You read it here first. Either that or you read it same place I did.

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