Scarlet Haberdashery

By Haberdashery


Still in Glasgow today. I left Rona's at lunchtime and headed into town where I mooched around, a trait I think most important in a Sunday. I sat in John Lewis' for ages drinking tea and reading the paper. I read a very interesting article about David/ Sonia Burgess and it made me think about perceptions and what we all do to fall into line with or test norms. And Burgess' work was quite extraordinary. I hadn't heard of his death and the circumstances surrounding it.

I trekked to Mary's to catch up with her and Gracie - the roads were so deserted it felt like I was an extra in A Long Way Back, so slippy it was. I love seeing footprints like this, or animal paw prints in the snow and ice. It feels like you are discovering and playing at being an explorer.

Late home to a cheese piece and my new book.

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