Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

a new chapter...........

well it could be. as you have probably guessed i have now entered into the world of the SLR (and yes i'm a little bit excited by my new camera.)

it's weird to think that 5 months ago i joined blip and didn't even have a simple point and click to use. my first couple of blips were from my phones camera. now here i am 150 blips later and i am moving on to a who;e new level of photography. bit concerned about that as i've been able to hide behind my cameras lack of facilities before. now i have no excuse. what if i really don't have any talent for this. not so concerned about blip as i use this to keep the family posted on various things as well as a......a testing ground if you will. they always say that you are your own worst critic but blip is a great way to get feedback (positive and negative), about some of the things we try.
i am addicted, but this is a good addiction. not only do the family benefit of having all these moments recorded but we all benefit from seeing the work of others.
blip has given me something else to focus on while living in london. in fact it has been a great help with living here. i do miss the chance to shoot pics by the sea or some beautiful rolling hills and mountains but i will return to the mother land. hopefully by then i will have learnt a lot more as i do want to take this further. ah well, at least if no one else likes them i shall at least have a habit that is good for me.

so i shall end with a big thanks to joe for giving us such an amzing experience and (without sounding to wanky) a thanks to all you fellow blippers who continue to entertain and amaze me with all your work.

and so to the next chapter................

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