Seasonal Variations
After yesterday's summery flower, here's an autumn leaf, taken during a stone skimming session down at the river.
Another bright blue day, until the clouds bullied their way in from the north and sunk us under a dreich blanket, the kind of low cloud that makes you want to duck your head down in case you bump it (or just retire inside with a cup of tea). Some mucking about with the kids in their new dens in the woods, and some mucking about with the camera too. I'm trying to go back to the start and think more about lenses, aperture, and all the parameters that alter what appears when you click the shutter. I'm not sure much will come of it, but I think every time I go back to basics like this, a new routine or germ of knowledge sticks, and things get a little easier.
I'm tackling this from both ends, and have been having a lot of fun with Photoshop today too - trying some things I've not done before. Most of it rubbish, but I guess that's how we learn.
Now waiting for the kids to be done with the playing part of bathtime so we can get the business part done, then there's roast chicken in the oven, the Christmas Spring/Autumnwatch show to see and a call from Mr B, who I suspect is having a pretty rubbish day.
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