Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Blanchfield Cummins the Second.

Meet Blanchfield Cummins Junior, or the Second.

The latest addition to the ruling class, the beaujolais bourgoisie, of the Republic of West Wicklow.

Fortunate child.

He has inherited his mothers good looks, and his fathers gee-tar fingers.

Mild mannered and sweet dispositioned at the moment, he is destined to be one of the all-time, balls to the wall, wig out rock god, cool as allfuck Wickla legends.

After all, there will be plenty of his Fairy Godfathers to show him how.

Off to Dublin, now, to meet Raheny Eye, Cardbird and WonderfulWorld.

Drinks will be taken, and despatches sent, Gawd help us all.....

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