As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Jumpin' Jenn

This is Jenn. Jenn is a jumper. Jenn jumps high.

It wasn't too fun going back to school after that break...

Our orchestra teacher is having foot surgery so she is going to be out for a few weeks. Her leave replacement taught here for two years and then left. She plays tennis with my mom every week. She seems nice and she's....enthusiastic.

English was pointless. As usual. She spent twenty minutes trying to figure out the Smartboard. I have no patience for that class anymore.

I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings by writing this but I want to be honest. And what are the odds of my English teacher ever reading this? Slim to none.

We had another track meet at Brentwood today. I had so much fun. At the meeting after school to sign up for events, I told my coach to put me down for the 1,000. He told me that there wasn't a 1,000 and got mad because he said he put a lot of effort into making a letter for everyone to read and that no one actually read it. I didn't want to be annoying but I knew I was right so I said that it did say that on the letter. He handed me his car keys and told me to get a copy of the letter from his trunk and bring it to him so he could prove that there wasn't a 1,000. I didn't. Later, he came into science olympiads and apologized to me, saying that he checked the website and his letter and that there was going to be a 1,000. I was right :D

I ran 3:09, which I don't think is too bad for a freshman, especially when this is the first time I ran it. I actually enjoyed the race. It's just the right length. The only bad thing was that the air inside the gym was horrible. It was gross and we had to pass the long jump pit every lap. I was coughing for quite some time after that race... My favorite part of track meets is when you're done running and you get to roam around and cheer everyone else on. Being part of a team is great. You get really close and have great times together and make a lot of inside jokes. I let Jenn borrow my camera and she put her memory card in it. She took a bunch of pictures of the relays. Jenn is our best hurdler and high jumper (our only high jumper, but still!). I'm not sure how high she jumped today but she definitely jumped higher than I can. We got home around 10:30.

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