
By Fisherking

.......out with the old, in with the new..

Bet you all know what the item on the left is. Bet you don't know what the item on the right is?

I'll tell you later.

Went to see the Boss's Dad and her step mother , Jean, a trip of about 90 miles. The plan was to stay over night and then go on to see my Dad and Sister. Arrived in time for lunch, and jolly good it was too. We'd just settled down for the lazy afternoon when my mobile rang. It was my Dad, in a panic, because my sister had been taken into hospital again with severe vomitting after her latest dose of chemo. So I jumped in the car and drove over, about another 20 miles.

When I got there he was quite relaxed about it all, but deep down obviously upset. So I calmed him, talked to him, cooked for him and stayed for a couple of hours before heading back(another 20 miles) to the father in Law.

Back at Chez Long, the wine was flowing and as I had time to make up Jean took it on herself to make sure my glass was always(and I mean always) full.
Jean is posh....I mean really posh......and slightly eccentric (she refers to herself as the dotty old bat), so it came as no surprise when she decided we all needed to eat again.......and what did she cook?............ a full English 8.30 at night.....accompanied with wine.

I like Jean and she likes me, but sometimes I think she thinks I'm the bit of Northern rough that needs poshing up a bit. She tells incredible tales of Lady So-and-So, Lord Whats-his-name, Bishop Who-ever, usually about who was/is sleeping with who, or up to no good, but she also throws in the most off the wall questions, at totally irrelevant points in conversations....three of the best ones this time were......

"Kieran dahling, do you have a different earring for each day of the week?"
"Kieran , what do you call people from Africa, you can't call them black because some of them are only brown"
"Do you think some people are born to only be domestic servants or work in shops?"

She doesn't mean any harm, she's just from a by gone age and is eternally fascinated by how the world changes around her.

We went off to bed about 1a.m. and most of a 3 litre box of wine was gone too.

The object on the left is Jean's Cona coffee percolater, bought in 1946 and never used, she just wanted to know if I could explain how it worked in case she ever decides to use it!

Das be continued......

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