Dr. J's Day

By JaniceNgan

Take off

Great day - started my day off with taking time to take pics - my first resolution for the year. Today is my last day with my rented lens and I feel like I really didn't take advantage of it during the month that I've had it. It was such a beautiful day that I had to go to the water for my picture time, but it was really cold, so sitting in my car reading my photography book was less than ideal.

Then went to pilates afterwards - haven't been in over a week and it feels so good get back into it.

Spent the rest of the day taking care of pics from Europe that I hadn't posted yet. It took me a whopping 5 hours to post only 5 blips from our trip. Didn't think it would take me so long, but I guess i was really reminiscing while doing so. Also took care of some random house stuff. Back to work tomorrow. No day off like my Canadian counterparts :(

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