Dr. J's Day

By JaniceNgan

Happy 2011

Pic taken moments after the stroke of midnight.

We were heading home, saw people at J&N's, then proceeded to stay until 3am!

I usually don't make new year's resolutions, or if i do, I try to make them fairly attainable. My resolution last year was to try a recipe from one of my cookbooks at least once a week instead of always relying on the web to find my recipes. I think I was pretty good at trying to follow that resolution, but wasn't great at it.

This year I have set myself a few goals - I guess they're not really resolutions, but something I want to try to do. I decided to post them so I can look back a year from now and see how I good I was about sticking to my resolutions. So, with that being said, here they are:

* Improve my photography skills (and with that, I will try to set aside an hour or 2 every weekend where I go somewhere and work on my skills and learn some new ones)
* On top of pilates at least 2x per week, I want to run 2-3x per week, even if it's just a quick one (I walk Willy most mornings of the week, no reason why I can't run as well)
* Learn how to spin my own yarn
* Volunteer - not sure in what capacity - if it's a monthly thing, weekly thing - but will figure something out
* Try to do a liquid cleanse once a week

Maybe some of these goals are a little too lofty, but I think they're good ones to set. Let's see how 2011 pans out.....

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