
By tookie

Skagit River Bald Eagles

To celebrate our 40th anniversary we chose to get up early and travel back roads up to the wild Skagit River where many Bald Eagles congregate yearly at this time. We have been going up to see them here since 1976--at that time when there were less intrusive crowds and rafters viewing them we saw 21 in one tree! I was shooting black and white film back then and have a shot of them all in the tree---it was magnificent! Back then we snuck onto private lands and sat quietly along the river banks viewing them. Today we saw some from the back roads on the way and more along established viewing areas.

Here I have a collage with a solo one, with one in the trees against the brilliant blue and sunny sky and cascade range, another solo, one tree with three perched in it and one closer up view of an immature Bald Eagle. As young ones they have yet to develop the infamous white head.

Dogs came along and were excellent riders so they were treated to a run at a park at the day's end. Big R and I thoroughly love this traditional bald eagle viewing trip so , on such a gorgeous day, it was a splendid way to celebrate our 40 years of marital harmony/disharmony, joy & sorrow, tears and laughter!!!

The kids called us as we were driving into our home driveway to wish us a Happy Anniversary which topped off an excellent adventure---as a marriage certainly is!!

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