
By Sparky

The power of blip

I started the year sitting in front of a log burning fire with friends, DD and pink champagne. Once the fireworks had died down, we walked the mile or so back, there were lanterns floating across the sky, it was fun.

I was hosting open house today, it was a great way to start the year, and, I intend to meet up with friends much more for the rest of year, its so affirming.

These are some of the flowers they brought me as NY and house warming presents.

There were only a few tears, and a surprising number of us going through the same sort of thing, it must be my age!!!

Friends from different sections of my life met each other, and proved Sheffield is a small place - there were so many connections.

I've tried all day to upload via email on my BB, but gave up for tonight, I dont need to upload on the move today, but I must get it sorted before I really want to do it for real.

Wishing you all a happy and prosperous 2011

ps The flowers were bought to match the wall shown on a previous blip - hence the power of blip

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