
By Fisherking

.......for the sake of auld lang syne.......


Round to Derek and Vicky's tonight for a little supper and to see in the New Year.

Derek is a wonderful cook and his idea of a "littlle supper" was:-
A leek and stilton soup.
A melt in the mouth beef casserole with honey roasted vegetables
Apple and Blackberry crumble (a 9 inch crumble between 4 of us) with double cream
Oat cakes and cheese (Lancashire, Stilton, Wensleydale and Blue Yorkshire)

Washed down with various wines.

All in all I think I drank,
3 (or was it 4) bottles of Snecklifter strong ale
A bottle of Mouton Rothschild
A glass (large) of Rose
Two flutes of champagne
2 double (at least )Jack Daniels
2 Baileys

I was sent out to be the "First Foot" a Scottish/North east tradition that the first visitor after midnight brings the house its luck for the year. I took with me the plate above with the traditional gifts of bread, salt and coal (Isn't the pig made from coal cute?) and a coin, so the house will always have food, salt, fuel and money. I was also the first one in when we got home so I've brought the luck to two houses...there'll be big trouble and no-one else to blame if it all goes "tits up" this year!

We watched the fire works in the local area and Chinese lanterns seemed very popular this year, I counted at least 50.

The high spot of the evening came just short of 1 a.m. when Vicky called through from the kitchen "Derek, how many types of cheese did you put on the cheese board?" "4" was the reply. "Oh well there's only 3 now" Brynn the dog had pinched and scoffed at least half a pound of Lancashire cheese! he's either going to be very sick sometime soon, or very constipated for the next few days!

Thanks to all of you for your help, support and encouragement this year, especially to you hebs. Hope you all have a wonderful 2011 and look forward to seeing all your marvellous blips.

Za-vyech-nu-yu druzh-bu (To eternal friendship) and Das vidanya.

It's 2.47 a.m. now, I've commented on everyone 's blip, time for one more vodka then a few hours sleep I think!

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