
By craftynini

'Red Ball on An Icy Pond'

Yep, I would have liked to crop this a bit differently and maybe do it in black and white, but there is a lovely red ball in the corner that had to stay.

It was so nice in amongst all the foggy, wintery colours. This is the swan park.So called because there are many, many swans and sucks and moor hens and seagulls and pigeons. They are out of shot chasing Joe and Pip! Really!!!

I took this on our way back from the swimming pool.We decided to have one last swim of 2010 at 9.30am. It was great to be in the water, floating around looking up at the ceiling and throwing the kids around. We felt refreshed.

A wonderful Hogmanay to you and yours. May 2011 bring you peace, happiness, fun and laughter.

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