'Glum Dog Alert''

I've seen many a wonderful blip of dogs bounding through the fields, diving playfully into water and proudly wrestling a log............. this is the polar opposite to all of those blips.

Here is Mr Harry only half an hour into our 1hour 30 minute walk. Just imagine for a moment, the kinds of looks that we get from all the other dog walkers. I usually say, "Oh he's just a wee bit grumpy today" (miserable b****r, under my breath).

He even barffed in the car on the way, but not to worry as he cleared it all up himself!!!

I'll give him his dues though, it was much rainier than we thought and windy to... and muddy too.... and cold. Shorty after this, a horse galloped along the path and Harry almost had him! I was bloody mortified.

So, this is our Hogmanay. I'm on my own with Harry and Maissie while Opendoor and the kids are at his mums. It's weird. And a bit sad.

Not to worry though as I have a fabulous steak waiting in the fridge and homemade dophinoise...... and because Sky is still broken (day 4), I don't have to watch that annoying twerp Jackie Bird tonight. You see, there's always a silver lining (no offence Jackie).

Happy Hogmanay when it comes chums.

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