A Sasanach's Skye photos

By Sasanach

Storr Dam

Where to take a photograph from in limited time? I know. I'll take a run up to the Dam at Storr Lochs. Trouble was a mantle of low cloud was covering the Storr. Ah well I'll do my best because I haven't time to find another subject.

So I set up the tripod, ajust the camera for the smallest aperture and therefore the slowest possble exposure and using my remote release I bracket two stops either way.

I regret that the results were disappointing. However that is all that I have that meets my desire. So I have used Photomatix and blended all three images back together and ajusted the tone and light. I also cropped the image down. This is the result.

Oh yeh, for those of you who are interested, the Hydro-electric power station that is below the dam is the only such power station on the Isle of Skye.

Tomorrow I shall have to see if I can arrange to get the sensor cleaned.

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