
By rainie

Broad Bean Harvest

Everything looks nicely washed and happy in the garden after all the rain yesterday. Broad bean harvest this morning, blanched quickly and into the freezer.....only 23 bags this year, better than nothing ofcourse. I recall as a child so hating this vegetable and my parents loving them, how things change over the years, we both just love them, infact so much we even had them for Christmas dinner done with tiny cubes of crisply toasted bread spread with peanut butter, tossed through the bean then a vinegarette drizzeled over...gives an interesting taste.

The flower from the broad bean plant which is quite pretty can be seen here.

Other than that, just a cruisy day, sun shining but a coolish easterly breeze. We off for a walk shortly.

Enjoy your day


Me (who is still on holiday whilst others are working, he he)

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