Cat's Paw

By catspaw

Unlimited Refills...

The first year we adopted our two cats, my wife's parents bought and sent them each a feline advent calendar, with dried 'cat treats' behind every window.

The tradition continues, although Kitkat long ago expressed her disdain for this fancy - generously allowing Tikka to enjoy the contents of both calendars.

However, even this act of generosity doesn't satisfy Tikka's boundless enthusiasm for these calendars: now when they're empty she begs my wife to fill them with more nuggets of dried cat food for her to 'find' and devour.

Here in this low-light shot we see Tikka hinting once again that it might be time for another refill. We granted her this request as a reward for posing for this blip. However, I think it might be time to do away with these soon for another 11 months.

Sorry Tikka.

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