Every Little Step

By moonfairy

But I'm only a little leaf!!!

Boxing Day.

Work this morning, just for 4 hours.

And then.... I braved the shops and the sales. I don't normally do this as for the past few years I've worked all day on Boxing Day.

I actually managed to get a park, and I bought what I wanted, but after only one shop I really couldn't be bothered to go anywhere else so I came home.

I was given a new camera for Christmas, much more up market than my other little point and squirt.

But I hate learning anything new, it doesn't matter what it is I can't stand reading through the manuals.

I bought a new car last year and I'm sure there are features in it I haven't got around to learning yet, all because I haven't read the manual.

Anyway, any chance of me buying a DSLR are going out the window, because I know I just wouldn't understand it.

So, although it's probably a very simple camera to use I get frustrated when things don't go according to plan.

On top of all this the weather is absolutely lousy, It's been raining all day long.
A few years ago we had a drought situation, now we've so much water they don't know what to do with it all.

So I'm afraid my blip for today was a bit of desperation really, it's so grey and dull I've had to put the lights on even though it's not night time yet!!!

Sunny Queensland - not today!

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