Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Rock Solid Love

Long before He was born, intricate details of His birth and the purpose for which He would come made their way into the world. Jesus was not to be an ordinary baby, yet so ordinary His birth and upbringing were. Fully God and fully man, He came to earth, the only one who, without sin, could be the sacrifice and pay the price for our sins. That's the kind of love we celebrated today. Nothing we could do would add to this Love, and nothing to be done to redeem ourselves. When I made the decision to believe, the greatest gift was the ability to walk this earth without fear. The gift of true and abundant Life that no one can take away. This is the greatest Christmas gift I have received.

The sun has gone down, all the anticipation of the day settling into a readiness for sleep. The peace that is far beyond my own understanding covers our home, hearts and minds. We have known no greater Love than this. This is the Spirit of Christmas.

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