Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Christmas Blessings

The earliest blessing represented here is the card, hand made by the youth group in our Church and given to us. "Christmas Blessing", it read and a Christmas blessing it was, as it represents a very precious group of young people and the awesome adults who work with them and walk along side us on our journey as well.

Don't ask me why, I don't have any idea, but it has been on my heart to bake bread this Christmas. I bought little tea towels and just wanted to bake a few loaves of bread...something I lack the time to do, and have no expertise for doing! Still, I couldn't shake the desire to do it. My sweet Paul bought the yeast and other ingredients and made things ready. The time was getting short, and still no time to bake. At the last minute, we decided to go to dinner with friends yesterday afternoon...still no bread.

This morning, we got up and put our hands to it. Baking chicken for dinner with Mother Comfort, making fresh cranberry sauce, cookies and...bread! Although my loaves don't look "normal" they were ever so fun to make! A blessing!!

But the biggest blessing happened when Paul came up behind me, put his arms around me and said, "I can't explain it, but I just feel unified in our efforts today". That was the biggest blessing so far today. Thank You, God, for the unity we felt working side by side today. Thus...our unity candle from our wedding lights these loaves of bread....and it is, so far, a very blessed Christmas!

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