
By CleanSteve

Still crisp and even

We have had a great Christmas day.

Late last night Helena went with Lesley, and her parents, Moira and Patrick, who were visiting her, to find a Midnight Mass. But to no avail as the service was cancelled! Instead, they ended up having a drink and singing karaoke carols till rather late. I had stayed at home and went to bed. When Helena came home she was in a very jolly way. It was 3am before I approached sleep.

We woke too early at 7-30am, to the wondrous sunlight glistening and sparkling on the snow all around. Presents were exchanged, several times, before we got round to preparing the meal for later. Lesley was at her home cooking the turkey and Christmas pudding, and we would provide the vegetables, accoutrements and the venue. They all arrived for our planned walk about midday and we went up the Horns valley in such beautiful bright light, with the landscape still crisp and even.

They then went home to get the still cooking turkey and eventually they walked half-a-mile back to our house with the hot bird in a bag. We sat down in the dining-room looking out over the valleys, chatting, drinking, eating a huge meal and laughing, whilst even managing to talk of our dreams, Dreamwork and Carl Jung; not an everyday occurrence, more's the pity.

Curtains were drawn after dark and the Christmas pudding was brought to the darkened table in flames, but only fleetingly. Helena wanted me to blip it, so I tried, but though a good shot, it didn't evoke in me as much as this early morning picture taken when I got up to make coffee.

I love our view looking south-east across the Horns to the Heavens, and today it had the sun glistening on the snow on the cabin roof. I always like accidental flares like this effect, as the rays refracted (I think?) into the room, so this is my favourite picture and will remind me of good friends and fun at Christmas.

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