Everyday Sfinx

By Sfinx


This is pushing the limit of self-centredness, I know! Yet, couldn´t resist playing around with connecting different time passages of my life, as I found this old photo from 1966!

The blip is 59 year old me, pointing at 18 year old Mod-me! The guys on the pic were friends of mine from that time. We don´t have any contact any longer, don´t even remember their names (pity!). The pic was taken as I remember it, by a photographer who we called "Vespa", as he had one of those! This early version of me was at the time member of a large Mod gang who hanged around a big store in Malmoe called NK (The NK gang).

Being a Mod, apart from combing once hair, picking up mod-girls, listening to Beatles, Stones, Who, and partying all nights long, also meant being harassed by "Raggare". When they managed to catch any of us, we were being beaten to the shit!

Lovely old times :o)!

Don´t we look like a cool 60ies pop group!?

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