Spiral view

Everything in life seems cyclic...night and day, seasons, energy, experience...stock market prices..karma(?)...

Actually, why don't we expect ourselves to reincarnate? ...every time starting from the capacity and experience that we gained in our previous incarnation...

In fact, a majority of the people on the globe do believe in reincarnation or an afterlife....just not the Western materialst citizens, who believe in natural science and money...that is, only visible and countable things..

Actually, such a construction - reincarnation + karma - would seem the only way (in the long run) to a just existence, as actions following the law of Karma, travel in circles and comes back to the doer, so that being nice makes an energy bow of kindness and love, while cheeting and murdering travels back to the doer with the same drastic experience for the source..

...also pain and suffering would make sense ...the meaning of suffering would stand out as the most powerful developing factor...as we couldn't avoid groving wiser and kinder in the long run while meeting ourselves the suffering we expose others for...

hmmm that would be something...these days..

(This grey and wet pre-christmas weather makes you wanna sit by the fire place and philosophize about such odd things....)

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