All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ethan hits the bottle!

I'd really like to get Ethan to start having his morning milk from a cup rather than a bottle. But for the time being he loves the independence of holding the bottle himself while he guzzles it down. He's still more inclined to shake a cup around than drink from it though!

I couldn't get him to look at the camera when I was taking the photos though as he was more interested in CBeebies! (He doesn't get to watch much tv - honest! Mainly just first thing in the morning when he gets up whilst I'm still waking up myself)! I wasn't quite so tired this morning though as he slept through the night again (11 hours - yay)!

Granny & Grandpa stayed over last night and Foreveryoung and her hubbie are staying with us tonight too. So it's going to be a fun and festive household for Christmas Day tomorrow.

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