All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Sleeping like a baby!

This is a bit of an emergency blip. Ethan's Baby Luge finally arrived last night and I took lots of photos of him in it out in the snow today. However when I went to upload them they all seemed to have vanished off the card - grrrr!

Nice day today. Ethan slept well - 8pm till 7.30am and then lay chattering in his cot for a further 15 minutes before I went to get him.

We then had a busy morning. Had to take lots of rubbish to the recycling centre as the bin collections are all over the place right now and we have no idea when the dustbin men will next turn up. Ethan then fell asleep in the car so I popped in to M&S to buy a few things (after driving around for ages for a parking space) - luckily Ethan carried on sleeping when I put him in the pushchair. After that we braved Morrisons for the big Christmas food shop. And boy was it busy! Luckily I managed to get a parent and child parking space straight away (think it was the only space in the whole car park). Ethan was a wee star in the shop and kept chatting away to people. His favourite thing at the moment is to point to lights and announce "ight" - he even got the cashier saying it! He also points at random things and says "a-ttt" all the time. So sweet!

A tidy up of the house followed in the afternoon while Ethan followed me from room to room. Granny & Grandpa arrived at 3.15pm and Ethan looked really pleased to see them. I made a very grown up tea which we all had - Thai style chicken and noodles (with a quorn version for me). It even had red chillies in it which I wasn't too sure about giving him. However he loved it and demolished loads!

Off to bed without a fuss tonight. Fingers crossed for another good nights sleep, especially since Granny & Grandpa will be sleeping in the room next to him!

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